
Memes & Memories, #34



Back Cover: Melita Shaum should be listed.

Contributors section:  Melita Schaum teaches Creative Writing and Modern Literature at the University of Michigan-Dearborn. Her most recent book is a collection of lyric essays, A Sinner of Memory. (p. 334)

On p. 332, Greed and Chinese should read Greek and Chinese.

Running head: Schaum rather than Schuam.

Table of Contents: Should read Melita Schaum rather than Melia Schaum.

On p. 226, John Oliver Kiliens should read John Oliver Killens.

On p.290,  The last sentence of the review,  “One rarely finds something as desperate, as raw, or as at risk of melodrama from the current crop of contemporary poets,” was substituted for the author’s original line, which was: “One rarely finds something as desperate, as raw, or as at risk of melodrama from a professor of creative writing.

On p. 310, So It Goes should read And So It Goes.

On p. 313, three lines up from the bottom, "where" should be "were".